| OPEN MON-FRI: 11-7pm, SAT: 9:30-5:30pm, SUN 12:30-5pm
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330

Meet the most portable, compact, lightweight, comfortable chair around - the patent-pending Aero Chair. Yep, it's inflatable. When deflated, it folds up to fit in the smallest of spaces. Designed to sit low to the ground, it's perfect for kicking it back on the beach, chillin' on the boat, pre-gaming at a tailgate or just porch sitting.