| OPEN MON-FRI: 11-7pm, SAT: 9:30-5:30pm, SUN 12:30-5pm
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330

The Rant is tiny, but mighty! Designed for groms and taking it to the next level.
Give your grom all the comfort and support needed to have fun out on the water. The upper Velcro strap and single lace lower enclosure provide a superior fit, while still allowing easy entry and exit from the binding. The Rant will help your little guy become the main man on the water!