| OPEN MON-FRI: 11-7pm, SAT: 9:30-5:30pm, SUN 12:30-5pm
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330
FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1968 | 10500 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66212 | 913.341.5330

The Plush is the perfect binding for any newcomer looking for a comfortable and stable boot they can depend on.
The forgiving EVA impact footbed ensures soft landings, which makes learning new tricks less intimidating and progression more attainable. The dual lace enclosure and stretch zone at the cuff allows the Plush to accommodate any shape foot perfectly. Now it's time to lace up and ride!